QiGong heals and renews both body and spirit. Dave’s gentle and inspired teaching makes class a delight. I look forward to it every week. Warren Lang

After many years of practicing yoga and five years of TaiChi, I started QiGong two years ago in order to focus on my breath without the anxiety of doing poses perfectly. As a result, I found qigong more helpful in dealing with stress and physical tension than any of my other practices. I always feel welcome and accepted in class and I continue to learn new things about qigong and myself. Overall,I am handling my whole life more confidently. Sandra Lindow- Writer

QiGong is accessible,creates connection between breath,body,spirit & quiets the mind . Andrea Gerasimo- yoga teacher

Qigong has been a relaxing oasis in my most hectic days. I can come to class and breath and just be in the moment,and it has made a huge difference. It’s also a wonderful community of friends.
Tracy Glentz- Chemical hygiene officer

Dave and Ellen are warm and personable with compassionate values. I started QiGong about a year ago and after the first session I could do a meaningful session anytime with what I was taught. I like meditation with movement. It’s not static meditation, it’s a flowing meditation.
Jan Pesek-Herriges

I bring snippets of what I have learned practicing QiGong into my daily life. I have breathed and stretched my spine, allowing me to roll more logs.
I breathe and meditate before bed to improve the quality of my sleep.
Ron Welsch- Heritage Builders

Monday 9am & Thursday 7pm “FIRST CLASS FREE”
Family Learning Center -North Menomonie
arknest.net 715-235-5560


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